Gammill Parking Problem


I finally got everything on & adjusted but can't "park" it. I have a Gammill Classic Plus. If I do try to "park" then it makes a thunky noise until the Edgerider wheels are back on track.


Please do not park the machine using the Gammill method with the EdgeRider Wheels. The edge of your track can damage your wheels. You can park your machine by putting a piece of batting across the track and rolling the
wheels on top of that. The edges of the track are really sharp. Please check your wheels to make sure they are OK.

Some of our customers decide to remove the middle parking wheels completely.

Information on how to adjust the parking wheels after installing your EdgeRider Wheels are located in the instructions shipped with the wheels.

We also have more in-depth instructions on how to adjust your parking breaks if you want to keep them on your machine. (page 4 and 5).

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